Care For West Disability Support Services For West Melbourne

Accommodation and Household Tasks
Assistance with Personal
activities and Transport
Shared Living and Life
Skill Development
Innovative Community
Participation & Activities

at care for west, Sense of caring is not just a naturally satisfying act but it is also equivalent to a sense of responsibility.

Care for West provides a range of disability services specifically targeting the suburbs of west Melbourne

A Journey of Care

Care for West is an affordable and customizable NDIS provider for the people of West Melbourne.

Our Support workers helps with participant daily chores with the huge focus on their wellbeing and are in pursuit of their passion

Daily Life Support

When it comes to daily activities, Care For  West can help you with routine tasks and daily chores that are a challenge for you because of your disability, like getting out of bed, showering, eating and getting around. Your Assistance with daily life budget can be used for support workers to assist with or supervise tasks.

Getting out of the bed to prepare a bed

Justified utilization of daily life budget and supervision

Assistance with Showering, eating and grocery

Assistance with gardening, cleaning and cooking

Support with Community Participation

At Care For West, we understand the guiding principles around Social and community participation. 

From Assisting our participants in meeting people with similar interests to helping them join in social and community activities.  Care for West is here to help.

 Social and community participation also means different things to different people. It can include going to your local cafe, joining a netball team, bush walking with a friend, doing a craft class, getting work experience, or volunteering.

With Care for West customizable and bespoke approach you are in good and caring hands

Care For West will:

help you feel included and connected to others

give you opportunities to build relationships

build your ability to participate with your peers

help you find activities you enjoy doing

develop skills for an independent life

Transport and Accommodation Assistance

Access to transport and getting from one place to another is a tough challenge for people with disabilities. Without a trust worthy and efficient transportation system, tasks such as going to work, medical appointments, school, daily outdoor chores or community activities can be a huge struggle.

Care For West is a registered travel and transport services provider in West Melbourne. We help participants access NDIS funding for taxis, community vehicles, ride shares and any other suitable transport method. Care For West will help you with your day-to-day travel needs and economic, social, and community participation.